Sunday, October 26, 2014

Pink Ribbon In My Window Not!

Once again a Breast Cancer “thing” has been brought to my attention, and I’m not going to lie my Italian blood boiled, so write I will.   A resident of Naples, Florida who is a 16 year Breast Cancer survivor displays a “Pink Ribbon” which is affixed inside her home on her entryway, but can be seen from the outside window.  According to the bylaws of the association, “In order to maintain an attractive community no sign advertisement, or poster shall be exhibited, displayed, inscribed, painted or affixed in, on or upon any part of the properties by an owner or occupant.”   I know a thing or two about associations as I belong to one in Scottsdale, Arizona where I have a community home.  And I know all to well all about the fees they like to impose on the residents. If you place your lawn chair the wrong way on your patio, boom your fined!   Basically for those of you who know nothing about associations, it’s a bunch of people with way too much time on their hands that like nothing more than to make your life a living hell if you break a rule!  Yes by now you all know me … okay sometimes I break rules, I’m not gonna lie, my knowledge is first hand.  While I support your decision to keep the “Pink Ribbon” up these are my thoughts.  I really feel freedom of expression after Breast Cancer is a vital part of recovery,  so I completely understand your need to make a statement about your journey. Understand this friend that while this is disruptive to you and your ongoing life long recovery this is one of those road blocks you might want to leave behind, but that’s all it is, a road block.  Take the Pink Ribbon down for one reason and one reason only … and that’s to continue on your road to recovery.  I say this all the time to Breast Cancer Survivors, keep moving forward, one foot in front of the other and so on and so on.  Leave this crap behind you,  don’t allow the negativity and ignorance of these  people into your world.  Why not instead paint a huge “Pink Ribbon” on your car!  Now that would make a statement!  To all the parties involved this is what I have to say to you.   To the person that complained, life has a funny way of unfolding.  And what I mean by that is if I was going to Vegas I’d put ten thousand dollars down that Breast Cancer will somehow someway creep it’s way into your world to teach you a lesson.  As for the association  itself, well I think your time would be better spent chasing down all the dog owners that don’t pick up their dog’s poop on the property.  Captio?

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